Why do gluten free rolls have to be so hard to make... ?
It's Christmas and I wanted to make decent rolls for this afternoon's dinner at my house for friends. While I have several gluten free cookbooks, the rolls just never turn out right. The bread does fine, but not the rolls. So, I tried a new recipe that I found on the internet this morning. I figured oat rolls might work out ok since oat flour is commonly used for pancakes as a substitute for flour. I also luckily had lots of psyllium husk on hand because you need this for gluten free bread. So I knew this has a potential for grave failure when the combination of liquid and psyllium powder did not clump up like claimed in the recipe. The good thing is that I've cooked enough that I know coconut flour can also soak up water. I'm waiting to see how that is working while I write this. It takes a bit for it to get wetted (must be a Chapter 13 intermolecular forces problem... not sure). Anyway, hoping I did not ruin my attempt at rolls this morning. I refuse to buy them since the store bought gluten free rolls might as well be frozen cardboard. It is really that bad. So, Merry Christmas All!
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