On Politics - Trying to be Balanced.
On Politics - Trying to be Balanced. November 25, 2017 This past year (2017) has been hard for me since my general inclination is to try to meet in the middle or truly find ways to solve problems. At Oak Hills High School (1982-1985), our principal, Ed Eckel, used to remark that an educated person can effectively argue both sides of any issue. I am not sure we live in a world where many people try to educate themselves on both sides of an issue. It troubles me that we are becoming more and more tribal. We all subscribe to our own news liturgy to inform us as Molly Worthen, has noted in Nov 2017 in the NYTimes. While her article is more about the right, I can argue the left is equally as bad with their liturgy. It seems like most nights everyone is just shouting at each other. I used to wind down around 8 pm or so and just mindlessly watch TV and stretch or do other things (clean up magazines, finish reading the morning...